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Welcome to the OCP Interconnect Sub-Project under the Networking Project.
This Project is open to the public and we want to welcome all those who would like to be involved.

Disclaimer: Please do not submit any confidential information to the Project Community. All presentation materials, proposals, meeting minutes and/or supporting documents are published by OCP and are open to the public in accordance to OCP's Bylaws and IP Policy. This can be found on the OCP OCP Policies page. If you have any questions please contact OCP.


- Networking Charter
- OCP Presentation Template - please contact Michael Schill or Archna Haylock for a copy

Project Leadership

Incubation Committee Representative

- Jason Forrester (Target)

Project Leads

- Ravi Sunkand (Meta)
- Barak Gafni (NVidia)

Sub-Project Lead

- Don Barnetson (Credo Semi)

Get Involved

- Mailing List
- OCP website
- OCP Calendar

Regular Project Calls

This project does not have series yet. Please stay tuned. This call is open to the public (please check the call calendar).

Recordings from Past Calls

- May 17, 2022 Recording
- Aug 16, 2022 Recording

Specs and Designs

Link to the Specs and Designs page -

- AEC Specification

Past Workshops

- Tech Talk Series: Networking Day 3/3 May 12, 2022
- Slides from Tech Talk Session
- May 17, 2022