OCP Incubation Committee Strategy Wiki

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2023 OCP Specification Templates[edit]

- Drafts Folder

2023 Strategic Initiatives[edit]


2022 Strategic Initiatives[edit]

- Annual Strategic Initiatives

This document contains past Strategic Initiatives as well as those that were decided for 2022

- OCP Tech Talks Overview April 21, 2022

OCP Tech Talks covered the following:
- Foundation Update (George T)
- OCP 2.0 Update (Rebecca W)
- Strategic Initiative Selection Process (Dharmesh J/Jessica G/Jeff C)
- 2022 Strategic Initiatives (Dharmesh J/Jessica G/Jeff C)

OCP Community Lab
Near Packaged Optics (NPO) Mezz Cards
Edge Infrastructure

Technology Roadmap[edit]

- Technology Roadmap(For 2018-2020)
- Technology Roadmap (For 2021)
- OCP2.0 Board Vision (presented by Rebecca Weekly on 3/4/2021)
- 2.0 Vision Feedback Working Document to collect feedback

CY2020-2021 Deliverables[edit]

Strategic Initiatives effort was launched by Dharmesh Jani (Meta) in 2018-2019 in effort to invigorate OCP IC to focus on major industry problems.

- Blog Post Oct 2020
- IC 2020 Priority Board Projects
- Blog Post Jan 2021
- Presentation at the OCP 2021 Global Summit

The following were determined to be the top 4 2021 Initiatives:

- 1) Sustainability
- 2) Test and Validation
- 3) Physical Security in the Data Center
this initiative was well underway already under the DCF Project so it was combined with that effort and the "Operation Security Technology" Sub-Project was created in Incubation Mode.
- 4) Liquid from a facilities perspective
this initiative was well underway already under the DCF Project so it was combined with the effort and the "Advanced Cooling Facilities" Sub-Project was created in Incubation mode.

2019 Strategic Initiatives[edit]

There were 4 Strategic Initiatives identified from the 2018/2019 Technology Roadmap.

Common Platforms

- You can also dial in using your phone: United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073, United States: +1 (646) 749-3129 Access Code: 387-441-573
  • Past Call Recordings
- June 3rd, 2020 Common Platforms Call Recording
- May 6th, 2020 Common Platforms Call Recording
- April 1st, 2020 Common Platforms Call Recording


Platform Security

Common Profiles across OCP

  • Past Call Recordings
- July 29th, 2020 Common Profiles Call Recording
- April 29th, 2020 Common Profiles Call Recording

Other Work in Progress Activity[edit]

- OCP 2021 Specification Template (needs input for next revision)
  • Criteria for Successful Contributions
- IC Criteria for Contribution (work in progress discussion)
- Recordings from Previous Calls
- September 21st, 2021
- September 14th, 2021
- September 7th, 2021

Reference Documents[edit]

IC Voting Record[edit]

How to Contact Each Other[edit]

- ICs (All IC Members)
- PLs (All Project Leads)
- SPLs (All Sub-Project Leads)
- Staff (All Main Staff members (not including Rocky)

IC Meetings[edit]

  • The IC meets on the first Thursday of every month for 2 hours. The meeting time alternates between 10am ET and 4pm ET to accommodate our global team. Please check the call calendar on the OCP website for any last minute changes.
  • Agendas are usually published 1 week in advance and are on the calendar invite. Please contact the OCP staff for call in details.
  • First 1 hour of the meeting is a strategy session for IC Members ONLY and the 2nd hour of the meeting is a public session for Contributions and is open to all volunteer leads and any members who are interested in hearing about the contribution.
  • All meetings are recorded and meeting minutes are documented below.

Past Call Recordings & Minutes[edit]

  • January 12th, 2023
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
  • December 1st, 2022
- Public Recording
- Public Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
  • November 3rd, 2022
- Public Recording
- Public Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • June 9th, 2022
- Public Agenda
  • May 5th, 2022 - DONE via Email due to Tech Talks
- Public Agenda
- Strategy Agenda
  • April 7th, 2022
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • March 3rd, 2022
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • February 3rd, 2022
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • January 13th, 2022
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • December 2nd, 2021
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • October 7th, 2021
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • September 2nd, 2021
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • August 5th, 2021
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • July 1st, 2021
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • June 3rd, 2021 - IC-only meeting was cancelled. There were no agenda items.
- Integrated Solutions/Marketplace Presentation (Steve Helvie)
- Public Agenda
- Call Recording
  • May 6th, 2021
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda, 2021-2024 OCP Inspired software and security requirements Presentation by Jean-Marie Verdun (HPE)
- Strategy Session Recording
  • April 1st, 2021
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • March 4th, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • February 4th, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • January 7th, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda
- Strategy Session Recording
  • December 3rd, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
- Strategy Session Recording
  • November 5th, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
- Strategy Session Recording
  • October 1st, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
- Strategy Session Recording
  • September 3rd, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
- Strategy Session Recording
  • August 6th, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
- Strategy Session Recording
  • July 2nd, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
- Strategy Session Recording
  • June 4th, 2020
-Public Agenda
-Public Recording
-Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
-Strategy Session Recording
  • May 7th, 2020
-Public Agenda
-Public Recording
-Strategy Session Agenda and Minutes
-Strategy Session Recording
  • April 2nd, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Recording
- Strategy Session Minutes
  • February 6th, 2020
- Public Agenda
- No Public Recording
- Strategy Session Recording
- Strategy Session Minutes
  • January 16th, 2020
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Canceled
  • December 5th, 2019
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Recording
- Strategy Session Minutes
  • November 7th, 2019
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Recording
- Strategy Session Minutes
  • October 3rd, 2019
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Recording
- No Strategy Session Minutes
  • September 5th, 2019
- Public Agenda
- Public Recording
- Strategy Session Recording
- No Strategy Session Minutes