Welcome to the Open Compute Project contribution process!

We are excited to have you join our Community of contributors who are passionate about driving innovation and collaboration in the data center industry. We aim to design and share efficient, scalable, sustainable hardware and software solutions that empower businesses and organizations worldwide. Working together can create more innovative, efficient, and sustainable data centers that benefit everyone. So whether you are an engineer, developer, or IT professional, we invite you to join us in developing cutting-edge solutions that advance the world of data center technology. 

Contribution Database How To Contribute Contribution Agreements Contributor Portal


Types of Contributions


Can be submitted without design files

Design Files
Design Files

Must be based on a current approved Specification

Embedded Software
Embedded Software

OCP Github Process

Reference Architectures
Reference Architectures

Software validations, certifications, etc.

Tested Configurations
Tested Configurations
Case Studies
Case Studies
White Papers
White Papers
Requirements Documents
Requirements Documents
OCP-Centric Content
OCP-Centric Content

Videos, seminars & plugfests

Client Testimonials
Client Testimonials