Project Leads
Yogesh Varma, Rama Bhimanadhuni

The Hardware Fault Management Sub-Project is under the direction of the OCP Hardware Management Project Group.


  • Requirements for hardware fault management

  • Standardizing system behavior under hardware failures

  • Define key baseline requirements of managing HW errors to achieve target service


  • Provide reference and guidance on system hardware failure management


Regular Project Calls

This project meets every other Friday from 2-3pm PT.


Call Calendar

These meeting  are recorded via audio and video. By participating you consent that these recordings may be made publicly available. Any presentation materials, proposals and meeting minutes are published on th respective project's wiki page and are open to the public in accordance to OCP's Bylaws and IP Policy. This can be found at If you have any questions please contact OCP. 

OCP Hardware Fault Management Calendar

The calendar displayed here is updated nightly from the project's Calendar