SP Spotlight: A discussion with Chayora and why OCP Ready™ is a key pillar of their China strategy

Regardless of how analysts try to evaluate and measure the IT market in China they come up with the same result...the market is huge and growing rapidly. Specifically, data center construction is keeping pace with the growing demand for 5G services, explosive volume of online shopping and overall ne (...)

Power uninterrupted: Choosing the right battery backup system for edge applications

One of the realities of being in business today is that demand for fast, reliable data isn’t letting up anytime soon. Whether the industry is manufacturing, telecom, retail, healthcare or finance, system engineers have found a solution by designing smaller, leaner, more powerful and localized (...)

OCP Incubation Committee Strategic Plan for 2021

The OCP Incubation Committee (IC) roles and responsibilities have been evolving these past few years. A previous post covered details around the strategic plan executed for 2019-2020. The following builds on  that discussion to highlight some of the ideas we plan to pursue in 2021.   Top (...)